About Our Organization
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Since 1997

Saving Animals’ Lives

Our History

TEAM has been “Teaching Everyone Animals Matter” since 1997. From the beginning, TEAM has supported Bradshaw Animal Shelter by funding special veterinary care and by supporting the volunteers and staff members who work tirelessly for the animals. TEAM has also made public education about animal issues a top priority. Urging the public to “Always spay, always neuter, always ID, always adopt a shelter pet,” this message remains at the heart of TEAM’s work.

TEAM’s primary function is to raise money for the Special Medical Needs Program, which funds specialized veterinary care and treatment for injured and neglected animals surrendered to Bradshaw Animal Shelter. Program funding also provides medical equipment and supplies for the shelter’s on-site surgery facility.

Working With The Community To Benefit Shelter Animals

TEAM (Teaching Everyone Animals Matter) is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation formed to help Bradshaw Animal Shelter of Sacramento County improve the health, well-being and adoption prospects of the county’s shelter animals. TEAM organizes and participates in fundraising, public awareness activities and service projects designed to generate support for shelter animals and related programs. These include:

Fundraisers, including the annual Whiskers & Wine event and the successful Critter Outfitter retail store
A Special Medical Needs Program to provide supplemental veterinary care for injured and sick animals
Community-based spay and neuter projects serving the pets of low-income residents


Dollars Raised

Animals Helped

Board Members

What Drives Us

Our Mission

Each year more than 12,000 animals end up at Bradshaw Shelter. Most are discarded by their owners or lost, and many are impounded by shelter staff because of abuse, neglect or abandonment. Significant numbers arrive at the shelter unaltered, sick or injured, and funding for veterinary care and supplies is limited. That’s why there’s TEAM.

Saving Lives

Together with Bradshaw Shelter staff, TEAM volunteers strive to:

Provide and encourage public support of Bradshaw Shelter
Provide education to the citizens of Sacramento County on the humane care and treatment of animals to reduce cruelty and suffering of animals
Assist in improving the quality and number of adoptions from Bradshaw Shelter through grooming and behavioral testing of animals, promoting the welfare and supporting the medical needs of shelter animals, improving the adoption facilities and, advising the public of animals available for adoption, thereby helping to decrease the number of animals euthanized by Bradshaw Shelter
Increase the number of lost animals redeemed by encouraging permanent identification of animals, educating the public to look at the shelter for their pets, and through coordination with other shelters, lost and found services, and the media
Assist Bradshaw Shelter in supporting licensed rescue organizations

Between 2018 and 2020 over 100 defendants were prosecuted and convicted of animal abuse in the City and County of Sacramento. Forty of these cases resulted in felony convictions, many strike felonies, each carrying a 10-year animal ban and state prison commitment.

TEAM funds fracture repair, burn treatments, surgical repairs, amputations, projectile removals, bait wounds, specialized veterinary imaging to support and help the survivors of animal abuse, and expert testimony to assist in the District Attorney’s successful prosecution of these monstrous crimes.

Animal abuse and neglect are rampant in the Sacramento region and the legal consequences are highly dependent on reporting by community members, as well as investigation by the appropriate agencies. If you see active abuse or neglect, do not hesitate to call 911.

A Dedicated Team…

Our Board Members

TEAM is guided by an all-volunteer board of directors with combined business and professional experience in finance, animal care, law, government, veterinary medicine, media and community outreach. Working with the community and other animal welfare organizations, TEAM has been committed to helping shelter animals since 1997.

New board members are always welcome. To join the TEAM board, please send a letter of interest, detailing the reasons for wanting to participate, along with a brief personal and career background, including any special skills that would benefit the organization. Letters may be mailed to the Board Chair, TEAM, P.O. Box 279168, Sacramento, CA 95827, or e-mailed to admin@team4animals.org, subject “TEAM Board.”

Lisa Milanes

Chair, Executive Committee

Hilary Bagley-Franzoia, Esq

Retired Deputy District Attorney, Sacramento County, Animal Cruelty Prosecution Unit and Task Force, Board Member

Aysha Majeed

Secretary, Executive Committee

Bob Shanks

Vice Chair & Finance, Executive Committee

Joan Gibson-Reid

Founding  Member

Andrew Musgrave, CPA

Treasurer, Board Member, Special Projects

Carly Davenport

Board Member