Countdown to Big Day of Giving 2022
Each year, thousands of animals end up at the Bradshaw Animal Shelter. Most are discarded by their owners or lost, and many are impounded by shelter staff because of abuse, neglect, or abandonment. A significant number arrive at the shelter unaltered, sick or injured, and funding for veterinary care and supplies is limited. That’s why there’s TEAM (Teaching Everyone Animals Matter)! Last year we raised $33,655 – helps us BEAT it! Scroll down to see the lives you helped us save, and be sure to bookmark our profile on GivingEdge to donate on May 5th, 2022!
2021 $ Raised
2020 $ Raised
2019 $ Raised

View our BDOG Stats!
Each year we set a goal to meet or beat our previous year’s fundraising total. You can access our BDOG non-profit organization profile for Bradshaw Animal Shelter, and you can review our official Big Day of Giving grant letters from the Sacramento Region Community Foundation below: