Get Involved
How You Can Help
Become a VolunteerMake a Donation
TEAM is a nonprofit 501c3 formed to help Bradshaw Shelter meet its objectives. Our primary focus is to find good homes for the healthy, unclaimed animals who end up at the shelter, some of whom were euthanized for lack of homes.  By supporting TEAM, friends of animals throughout the Sacramento area (and beyond) can make a difference to the health, well-being and placement prospects of the animals at Bradshaw Shelter.  Contributions to TEAM in any amount will help fund many important projects designed to benefit the animals at Bradshaw Shelter.
Give Back

01. Make a Donation

To be successful, TEAM needs both financial and volunteer assistance from the community. We strive to use your donations for the best good and provide our budget breakdown freely and for your information as you consider the best organization for your charitable contributions.

Sign up

02. Stay Informed

We are proud of our ability to help the animals of the Bradshaw Animal Shelter, so we want to share some of their stories with the folks who make that possible, our donors. It is important to us that you are confident your money is going to a worthy cause, so we created our TEAM Quarterly Newsletter with the intention of keeping you as informed as possible.

Show Up

03. Be a Volunteer

Interested in volunteering for TEAM?  We have several opportunities throughout the year for volunteers to help us with our fundraising events!

To Volunteer for TEAM:
Please email
Or, register using our Online Volunteer Registration Form using the button below
To Volunteer at the Shelter:
Celeste Ingrid | Volunteer Coordinator
Bradshaw Animal Shelter
3839 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento, CA 95827
916.875.5848 Ph
916.875.5519 Fax
Speak Up

04. Spread the Word

We are a small non-profit organization and are rather new to the social media world.  You can help us build our following by sharing our information with your friends!  The bigger our following, the bigger the benefit to the animals of the Sacramento County Bradshaw Animal Shelter!

Please make donation checks payable to TEAM and mail to:

Teaching Everyone Animals Matter
P.O. Box 279168
Sacramento, CA 95827
TAX ID number 91-1825374

TEAM has made public education about animal issues a top priority. We volunteer at, and sponsor events which educate the Sacramento and surrounding communities. Volunteers are needed for a variety of events and items. You can get involved on an ongoing, or one-time basis.

“Always spay, always neuter, always ID, always adopt a shelter pet.”