Sweet Beatrice was found as a stray in Sacramento County with a huge mass on her ear. Despite this obvious discomfort, she loved everyone she met! She quickly became a volunteer favorite, and TEAM was contacted to see if we could fund her care. TEAM is passionate about working with shelter staff to secure foster homes for all TEAM-funded animals so that they can recover comfortably in a home. Thankfully, amazing shelter volunteer Wendy stepped up to foster sweet Bea!

With the help of an amazing anonymous donor and community donations, TEAM was able to fully fund a CT scan to determine the breadth of the mass, as well as a TECA-BO (Total Ear Canal Ablation and Bulla Osteotomy). This surgery involves the complete removal of the ear canal and tympanic bulla (middle ear), leaving only the ear flap (pinna) remaining. The mass was biopsied, and it was determined that it was the result of an E. coli bacterial infection. Beatrice subsequently went through a series of IV antibiotic injections to ensure the mass did not come back.

Beatrice has now been adopted by her second foster, Tiffany, and has a wonderful life up in Placerville, smelling all the smells!

Beatrice is featured with dancer Brooklyn Sandlin.


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