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In light of the recent state of emergency declaration by the State of California and guidance by the County of Sacramento, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and local public health departments, Teaching Everyone Animals Matter (TEAM) has decided, out of an abundance of caution, to postpone our Whiskers and Wine, scheduled for April 4, 2020, to a date to be determined due to concerns regarding the spread of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). We will send an announcement and update the Whiskers and Wine webpage with a new date when the COVID-19 Virus is under control and a new date has been determined.

We still need your support! We believe this decision is in the best interest of our supportive community, yet we remain committed to our mission to help and improve the lives of the animals in Sacramento County. Postponing our primary fundraiser indefinitely poses a significant impact to our financial ability to continue to provide funds that cover desperately-needed special medical procedures, spay and neuter surgeries, and other needs of the animals at the Bradshaw Animal Shelter. Donations are greatly appreciated, and can be made through our PayPal account. Big Day of Giving is May 7, 2020, at which time donations can be made via our website or through the Big Day of Giving Webpage. We will update our social media platforms with other opportunities to support TEAM in coming months.

We greatly appreciate your patience and continued support and we look forward to celebrating with you at future TEAM events!

Help us beat our 2018 fundraising total!


(funds raised at our 2018 W&W event)

THANK YOU to our loyal donors!

Meet Our 2020 Cash Sponsors

Piering Law Firm
Telfer Law
Vetter Law

Meet Our 2020 In Kind Sponsors

Beyond Napa
Shoops Photography
bike dog
Menka Belgal Photography